Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Blessi had a vet appointment--shots and teeth floating-- so he was given a tranquilizer. The visit was
conducted in his run-out shed which is open to a large paddock with grass. When the vet left, I put a mounting block in the doorway, sat on it, and started to read a book as I waited for Blessi to recover from the tranquilizer. You don't want the horse to have any food available at that time since he could choke while eating.

So Blessi recovered enough to decide he wanted to go outside to eat grass. Horses could communicate this intent in many ways--pushing their way past me, head butting me, waiting patiently by the door in front of me. 

Blessi is a civilized but cunning pony. He quietly stood in front of me and stared at the book pages from about 2 inches. Then he tried to gently turn the pages of the book. He attempted to close the book. This went on for two or three minutes. In other words, he was exhibiting just enough low level annoying behavior to get me to stop reading and let him out for grass. It worked. I figured if he had enough control of his lips to turn library book pages without tearing them then he was recovered enough to eat grass.

Now who was controlling whom?

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