He also got to try blueberry pie for the first time. Needless to say, it was a big hit. After checking that he liked the pie, I thought to engage him with a puzzle. I closed and locked the styrofoam container before giving it back to Blessi. Now Blessi has seen me open these types of containers to eat burgers. Or perhaps he just lucked out in his exploratory process. But he opened that container in under a second by applying pressure at the joint section to pop open the container. He then proceeded to consume each and every berry.
the goats had wandered into the hay room. Looking just adorable,
Blessi peaked around the door to view them chowing down on some alfalfa.
He then proceeded to push the door closed by about a foot. Don't know
if he was jealous because the goats almost got his pie earlier in the
day or because of their access to alfalfa.
Then Sue fed him some alfalfa cubes so Blessi was a happy boy.
Then Sue fed him some alfalfa cubes so Blessi was a happy boy.
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