Sunday, May 27, 2018

Horses of Iceland Marketing Plan

Various stakeholders in Icelandic horse breeding, showing, and training in Icelandic have pulled together a marketing plan for the Icelandic horse. Not only has the group been producing some great videos, they have set up a website called "The Horses of Iceland" which provides a wonderful overview of the horse and its heritage.
"In Iceland, the horses are actually the only domesticated animal that is kept outdoors all year around still today, and if they have good land to graze on with natural shelter, they might not need any extra feeding at all and still be fat and healthy by spring. The Icelandic terrain is vast and rugged and the horses learn from early on how to move easily on the uneven ground, cope with mountains and crags, and crossing rivers. This makes the horses both couragous and powerful, and many continental riders find that horses raised in Iceland have something a bit special, due to their natural upbringing with minimum human interference. Courage, curiosity, self-reliance and calm – these are the shaping factors of nature."

You can go to this site to find out more about the branding of Icelandic horses and upcoming world wide events.

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