Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Orville Peck, The Unknown Ranger and His Icelandic Horses

Orville Peck is an up and coming singer who always wears a mask. His outfits are a combination of Zorro and the Lone Ranger.  As Josie Gaitens describes his work in the Reykjavik Grapevine, "But it’s the artist’s songwriting and lyrical prowess that seem to garner the most appealing to his fans. Orville’s songs are vulnerable, full of longing, hope and hopelessness, love lost and never gained in the first place. ‘Pony’ is the album you imagine playing at night as you cruise down a dusty, Southern highway away from the love of your life, or as you watch your high school crush slow-dance with somebody else at prom." 

His album "Pony" features Icelandic horses, another reason to check out his work.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Emma Massingale posted this lovely video of her adventures with her friends riding across the Moorland of England.  Her friends happen to be a cat, a dog, a baby lamb named Lily, a pony, and a horse.  Periodically, they stop and feed the lamb with a bottle.  Notice Emma is riding bridleless.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Just Another Water Crossing for Icelandic Horses

Going on a horse riding trek in Icelandic will probably involve a lot of river crossings.  Even the loose, remount horses cross all kinds of water with aplomb as you can see in the video below.  Blessi is a wonderful with water crossings.  One of his breeding lines is known as the Water horses of Iceland.  (This info comes from a conversation over eight years ago so I may have some of the details incorrect.)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Globen 2007 Icelandic Horse Theater

Here are Icelandic horses performing at the international horse show Globen in 2007.  Lots of drama, fire, and sparklers. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Weave a Wicker Fence

Here's a lovely landscaping idea from the Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island in WA. Cut standard lengths of saplings 5 feet in length. Drive sapling stakes into ground every 4 feet. Weave cut lengths between stakes. I think Bloedel Reserved used cherry--could easily be wrong.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Corvid Queen Publishes My Poem Night Troll

What a wonderful way to start off 2020--to be able to read my poem The Night Troll on Corvid Queen. Please take the time to read the other works on this site.  Sarah Chevalier identifies Corvid Queen as the space "to celebrate the magic of feminism and the feminism of magic.  I am so happy my poem found a home here.
