Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Icelandic Horses Help with Making Stepping Stones

My friend Judy and I were experimenting with mixing cement to make patio blocks with Celtic designs. We learned that men and women may have different definitions of the "consistency of pancake batter." We also learned that Icelandic horses are eternal optimists about the possibility of human activities leading to food.

Judy turned her mares Freya and Gloma loose together to run around the pasture. As shown by the photo, they stood by the fence line and watched us intently for 1 1/2 hours. Why? Because we were using old feed buckets and the bag of cement could have held grain, we were obviously stirring up some special treat for them.

We also discussed using horse hair as binder in the next batch. Around 8 years ago, if I remember correctly, the University of Pennsylvania was asking Icelandic horse owners to ship them bags of brushed out body hair since they were experimenting with horse hair in composite building materials and somehow Icelandic horse hair offered some sort of advantage.

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