Friday, December 1, 2017

Enter the Gripping Beast

The study "Enter the Gripping Beast. Artistic innovation and social networks in Viking-period towns" by Berge, Jasinski, and Sognnes identifies the emergence of gripping beast motif as early as 790 AD. I was highly amused by one of their proposed inspirations for gripping beasts. "Suddenly a new and very different form of decoration...occurs alongside this, consisting in curiously squat, short-legged little animals with a clearly defined anatomy, faces shown en face, and paws grasping at whatever they can reach..Was it an inspiration from Western Europe, acquired the first Viking raids? Did it reflect a fascination with newly introduced domestic cats? A symbol of Freya?"

Recent genetic research shows that the Norse were key in the dispersion of domestic cats during their long sailings . Can't you see the poor creatures desperately clinging to tall, bearded, wool wrapped Vikings as the felines try to avoid all that water?Above  is an early 9th century depiction of gripping beasts on the Carolingian Animal head post from the Oseberg ship grave. They certainly look like  cats trying to avoid a bath.

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