Sunday, April 1, 2018

Creating the Neohippus Breed

A North Dakota breeder Jill Langford is creating a controversial new breed called Neohippus, an attempt to breed back to an early horse ancestor called the New Dawn horse, the one with two extra toes behind the fetlock.

Ms. Langford was starting up a pony rescue when she adopted a stud colt named Bubba. “He was some kind of pony cross,” Langford said. “I’m pretty sure there was some POA in him, maybe something gaited and hairy, like an Icelandic. He would be really spooky one day, and the next he’d think he was king of the mountain and try to take you down. One thing for sure is that he was a mean little guy! We called him Beelzebub, or Bubba for short.” Bubba also has 2 extra toes on each fetlock and managed to breed every mare on the farm. After careful cross selection with other primitive pony breeds such as the Tarpan and the Exmoor, there are now 300 registered horses in this rare registry.

PLEASE EXAMINE THE DATE THIS WAS POSTED--There is something about the first of April you should consider.

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