Monday, October 15, 2018

Norse Women Attire 1000 to 1100 AD

This is my best attempt to create garb for what a Norse woman would wear around 1000 to 1100 AD.
I am wearing an apron dress. I took off my turtle brooches and beads since there is always a good chance I could get my weapon tangled up in such adornment. Blessi and I are riding in front of historically accurate Norse tents used while traveling as we participate in a SCA tournament. I am carrying a quintain lance, which is medieval not Norse.

The second photo shows Blessi in the saddle blanket I made him based on the Lewis Chessman knights.

In my survey of historic Icelandic riding attire, I am still missing one major costume style. I'll have to look for public domain pictures of folks riding horses.

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