Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Organize for a Disaster

Are you prepared to take care of your horse and pets during a national disaster?  It is a new year and time to re-evaluate your planning.  At a meeting of the Pleasure Walkers Club of Washington (Blessi is an honorary Tennessee Walker), a speaker from the Washington State Animal Response Team (WASART)  explained what to do.

Here are my notes:

q  Evaluate your horses.  Develop a list of the order in which they should be evacuated (there may only be so much room the rescue trailer).  Post list in barn.

q  Ensure all horses can be loaded by anybody into any type of trailer.  If horse will not load easily, organizations like WASART will not move them.

q  Establish a phone tree listing of whom to call if there is a problem.

q  Set up a place to evacuate.

q  Have a photo of you and your horse together for ID.  Keep one copy with you and one in the horse trailer.  Include registration number and medical requirements.

q  Create an emergency supply packet for the horses.

q  Have stickers on windows listing the number of dogs, cats, horses, etc.

q  Make sure medications are current.  Have first aid supplies ready to go.

q  Take toys for pets.

q  Every dog and cat should have individual carriers.  After Katrina, shelters for humans must make provisions for pet shelters nearby.  However, pets will be accommodated only if they have individual carriers.

q  Survey horses and trailers available to rescue.

q  Keep at least a half tank of gas in truck.  If there is an earthquake, there will be no electricity or gas deliveries for days.

q  Stash some cash.

q  Stock water and three to five days of human food--make sure that it is food you like.

q  Make plans for alternative routes for evacuation if major roads are closed.

q  Be prepared to be self sufficient for five days.

q  Take CERT training by fire department.

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