Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Icelandics at the Washington State Fair

The original sketch
Dreki, a Viking dragonship, "sailed" to the Washington State Fair in Puyallup from Iceland with a cargo of rare Icelandic horses September 1 to 13, 2017.  Come meet the steeds that Thor and Odin rode. Learn about their unique gaits--the tolt and the flying pace.

This was the project that I was managing in August and September. Lots of people contributed to the success of this exhibit.   I hope you were able to come to the Breed Showcase. Only 6 breeds--Curly, Arab, Friesian, Paint, Icelandic, and Appaloosa-- were invited to attend so we are really excited that the million visitors to the Fair have the opp
ortunity to meet our fabulous breed. (There will be no ridden demos this year.)

And we really built a Viking ship as a demo booth!!!!There was Dreki the dragon prow in front of a sail and each horse stall was decorated as part of the ship with viking shields.

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